Description: Cities everywhere are switching their street lamps to LED. In Berkeley, CA before the upgrade, streetlights consumed 32% of the City’s municipal electricity load and accounted for 900 metric tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions annually. With the retrofit of more than 8,000 streetlights, the citywide LED street lighting electrical load was reduced to 19% of the City’s total. In replacing its lamps, San Diego also installed smart sensors to track air quality and optimize traffic over a digital network, among other capabilities.
Goal: Reduce electricity use and CO2 emissions by upgrading street lights
Measurement: Reductions in energy use for street lighting
Time to Implement: Approximately three months for Berkeley to install 6,523 cobra head fixtures.
City of Berkeley Streetlight Info
Oakland Demonstration Assessment of Light-Emitting Diode (LED) Street Lighting
Additional Information:
LED Advantages: Longer lifespan than traditional lamps (2-5 times); recyclable; can be switched on/off & dimmed.
Good LED street lamp background info Pittsburgh 2011
Millions of dollars saved by LED street lighting
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