Transportation District grants

Description: The San Francisco Bay Area Metropolitan Transportation District established a grant program to award transportation infrastructure dollars to the cities and counties that produce or preserve the largest number of affordable, multi-family housing units located in designated urban areas. The Grant Program provided $71 million to be awarded from 2018 through 2022.

Goal: Transportation District grants: Establish a competition between cities and counties to increase affordable housing near transit and job centers to reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMT).

Measurement: Number of added or preserved affordable, multi-family housing units in Priority Development Areas or in Transit Priority Areas during the five calendar years from 2018 to 2022

Time to Implement: Five years


MTC Housing Incentive Pool Program

MTC Resolution establishing Pilot Program

Additional Information:

MTC Housing Incentive Pool Program 2018 and 2019 progress report

Contact Info:

Mallory Atkinson
Bay Area Metro, Funding Policy & Programs
(415) 778-6793

Sectors(s) Transportation & Land Use
Date First Adopted October 24, 2018
Last Updated November 6, 2021
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