Description: In July of 2020, the city of Oakland, CA approved its 2030 Equitable Climate Action Plan (ECAP), the City’s new 10-year plan for mitigating and adapting to the climate crisis through actions rooted in equity. City staff worked with an Equity Facilitator team, co-led by local racial and environmental justice organizations Environmental / Justice Solutions and the Oakland Climate Action Coalition (OCAC), on a year-and-a-half-long community engagement process to guide the Plan. A Neighborhood Leadership Cohort (NLC), with residents from each City Council district, helped lead engagement activities, including workshops, social media, “climate equity work days,” an online survey, and town halls. The City Council also established a diverse 13-member ECAP ad hoc Community Advisory Committee, which provided expert and community-based input on the development of the Plan, and assisted City staff with the community engagement process.
The NLC was a group of 14 community leaders with diverse backgrounds from all seven Council Districts. Each Neighborhood Leader worked alongside the OCAC to host a series of workshops and assemblies, one in each City Council District, from late April through September 2019. Each Neighborhood Leader was paid ($20/hr) and was able to take advantage of child care as they led workshops. In addition, they received training in climate science; city government process; inclusive outreach & engagement strategies; and democratic workshop facilitation.
Goal: Implement Neighborhood Leadership Panel to ensure that equity and social justice are included in the next Energy & Climate Action Plan
Measurement: Degree of support by diverse communities in creating and implementing the next 10 year plan.
Time to Implement:
2030 Oakland Energy & Climate Action Plan Neighborhood Leadership Cohort
Oakland furthers its Climate Leadership with Landmark Equity-based Plan and Carbon Neutrality Target
Additional Information:
Oakland 2030 Equitable Climate Action Plan (ECAP)
Environmental/Justice Solutions
Oakland Climate Action Coalition
Contact Info:
Colin Miller
Oakland Climate Action Coalition
Marybelle Tobias
Environmental/Justice Solutions