Implement comprehensive plan

Description: Minneapolis 2040, the city’s comprehensive plan, addresses issues associated with housing, racial equity and climate change. The plan eliminates single-family zoning and instead allows residential structures with up to three dwelling units in every neighborhood. Minneapolis, MN is believed to be the first major city in the United States to approve such a change citywide.

The comprehensive plan also includes policies that reduce the energy, carbon, and health impacts of transportation; regulate land uses and building/site design to encourage sustainable modes of transportation; increase the city’s tree canopy and urban forest; achieve an accelerated increase in energy efficiency of buildings; and many other policies to reduce emissions of climate and health pollutants and enhance community resilience.

Goal: Implement comprehensive plan to increase housing density, address inequity in past land use zoning, and support a multimodal network that prioritizes walking, biking and transit

Measurement: Reduced vehicle miles traveled

Time to Implement:


Minneapolis 2040 Plan

Minneapolis 2040 Strategy Discussion

Minneapolis Single Family Zoning

Minneapolis Confronts its History of Housing Segregation

Additional Information:

Contact Info:

Email: Minneapolis Sustainability Office

Sectors(s) Equity, Transportation & Land Use
Date First Adopted October 25, 2019
Last Updated September 3, 2020
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