Description: Multiple cities are piloting van service as an alternative option to bus and commercial ride services. In West Sacramento, CA, vans provide door-to-door service. For a smaller city the size of West Sacramento with short travel distances and plenty of parking, providing a service that residents want to use is a challenge. But it has become popular, exceeding initial estimates of 200 rides a day. In a survey taken 6 months after the pilot began, 34% of users responded that they would have used their car if the service had not been available. The flat rate for a trip is $3.50, and a weekly pass is $15. Seniors and individuals with disabilities get a 50% discount.
Goal: First/Last Mile transit: Reduce single occupancy VMT and close first/last mile gap in transit by providing city residents with microtransit van service on fixed and/or on demand routes
Measurement: Percentage reduction in solo drivers
Time to Implement:
Proposal accepted 9/2017
Year long pilot launched 5/2018
Pilot extended through fiscal year 2019
Again in June 2020, West Sacramento On-Demand Rideshare program extended through June 30, 2022
On-demand rideshare service launches in West Sac
Original West Sacramento Pilot On-Demand Rideshare Presentation
Presentation to extend Pilot Program to 2022
Current West Sac Rideshare Public site
Additional Information:
The pilot was budgeted for $840,000. It’s funded through three sources:
– $60,000 under the Transportation Development Act (TDA) of 1971
– $150,000 under Sacramento Area Council of Governments, Transportation Demand Mgmt. program
– $90,000 in fare revenue
Contact Info:
Sarah Strand
West Sacramento Senior Transportation Manager
(916) 617-5310
Caltrans General Information
(916) 654-2852
Sabrina Bradbury
TDM Program Manager, Sacramento Area Council of Governments
(916) 340-6211