Description: The Portland Clean Energy Fund (PCEF), also known as the Portland Clean Energy Initiative, was a measure that appeared on the Portland (Oregon) municipal ballot on November 6, 2018. Voters approved it by a margin of two-to-one.
The PCEF provides dedicated funding for climate action. It obtains funding through a 1% surcharge on the business license fee paid annually by the largest Portland businesses. To qualify, a business has to have a minimum of $1 billion in sales nationally, and at least $500,000 in sales in Portland. The resultant revenue stream – at least $30 million/year – is dedicated towards providing mitigation of a degrading climate to Portland residents who are the most vulnerable to climate change.
Management of the Fund is led by members of the climate justice nonprofits active in disadvantaged communities in Portland. The Grants Committee is charged with reviewing proposals and selecting grant recipients for clean energy projects that will benefit communities of color and low-income households.
Goal: Create Clean Energy Fund by imposing a surcharge on business license fees.
Funds allocated to:
– Mitigate climate impact to disadvantaged communities
– Energy efficiency retrofitting of homes and apartments, community solar, and training that will allow members of disadvantaged communities to find employment in the rapidly growing clean energy industry.
Measurement: Annual funding contributions to the Clean Energy Fund and use for local energy and climate initiatives
October 25, 2021 — According to the latest revenue figures, the PCEF fund balance has reached $169 million.
Time to Implement: Two years to gather signatures for ballot measure, campaign, and pass ballot measure (2018). Implementation began in 2019.
Now accepting Portland Clean Energy Fund grant applications.
First Deadline: November 30, 2021.
Portland Clean Energy Fund Information
Additional Information:
The Story of the Portland Clean Energy Fund
City Laying Groundwork for Clean Energy Fund
City Council Makes the Portland Clean Energy Fund Official
Portland Clean Energy Fund website
Contact Info:
Damon Motz-Storey
Head of communications for the Portland Clean Energy Fund
(303) 913-5634
Mark McLeod
Sierra Club Clean Energy Task Force volunteer
(510) 757-4954
Clean Energy Fund
(503) 823-7713