Cool Block program

Description: The Cool Block program (previously piloted in the California cities of Los Angeles, Palo Alto, and San Francisco) engages teams of neighbors living on a block (or in an apartment building) to reduce their carbon footprint by selecting from 112 “action recipes,” e.g., using less hot water, making their homes and appliances more energy efficient, eating less meat, storing sufficient emergency food and water. The final Cool Block Pilot will continue to refine the program while building a strategy to eventually scale the program to 375 blocks over three years.

Goal: Cool Block program: Enroll residents in program to reduce CO2 in their neighborhoods

Measurement: Percent decline in CO2 produced per year per 1000 residents

Time to Implement: Experience in Palo Alto pilot: two years to engage 30+ blocks, achieve 30% carbon reduction per household on average


Palo Alto

Description of the pilot program in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Palo Alto

Palo Alto Cool Block Program: Frequently Asked Questions

Cool Blocks LA

Additional Information:

This is likely to work best where the local government has resources to engage and train community leaders and support residents in taking action in homes, apartment buildings, and neighborhood blocks.

Cool Block Program and Cool City Challenge

The Cool Block Video Tour

UN Cool Block Initiative

Contact Info:

City of Palo Alto Cool Blocks

Cool Block Santa Clara County (Facebook)

Sectors(s) Community Education & Action
Location(s) , ,
Date First Adopted 2016
Last Updated November 2, 2021
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