Description: Cities, counties, and states in the U.S., and communities around the world, are formally adopting resolutions acknowledging that human activities have warmed the Earth to a point that threatens climate stability. At a local level, advocating for and adopting climate emergency resolutions can empower climate activists, strengthen community resolve for climate actions, and inspire elected officials to adopt and implement ordinances and rules that curb those activities that contribute to global warming.
As of March 2022, 179 U.S. government jurisdictions, representing 13% of the population, had adopted climate emergency resolutions. Globally, over 2,080 government jurisdictions in 38 different countries and representing over 1 billion people have formally recognized our climate emergency. Working with community allies to adopt a climate emergency resolution can link the community to a growing global movement to stop climate disruption and reverse the warming that is already impacting our lives.
Goal:Â Adopt Climate Emergency Resolutions
Measurement:Â Number of government jurisdictions formally adopting resolutions acknowledging our climate emergency
Time to Implement: Varies
Links to resolutions can be found here:
Additional Information:
Writing a Climate Emergency Resolution
Declaring a Climate Emergency: Options for Motions and Commitments
Global listing of governments adopting climate emergency resolutions with links to resolutions or news articles
Contact Info:
Margaret Hender and Philip Sutton
111 Franklin St
Adelaide, South Australia
Australia, 5000